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Fine Tune Your Agility & Develope Super Abilities!


The KungFu Temple

Set up on The Himalayan Foothills at 6000 feet altitude with some of China's best Kung Fu masters teaching you in the best possible location within China!


At RDS China your day begins at 5:30am with intense circuit training which targets your whole body and puts you in the right mind set to complete the rest of the day which totals 6 hours of training!


Rising Dragon Martial Arts School was set up and been running continuosly since 2007 and has had approx. 2000 students from all over the world!


Some students use our peaceful location as a meditation retreat to get away from the hustle and bustle of the real world!


RDS China is by far the best martial arts school in China specifically set up for foreigners by another foreigner.


See The RDS China dedicated website for more information. Click Here!

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